One can travel to far more destinations in a given amount of time by
Car, improving your standard of living.
- More Job Choices: Instead of choosing jobs along transit lines, one can choose from
the whole area. More job choices usually means you can get a job that pays more.
- More Shopping Choices: The ability to travel further allows a broader choices of
where to shop and lets you choose lower cost stores, lowering your cost of living.
- More Living Choices: The ability to travel further gives you a broader choices of
where to live. This lets you choose a location that has better schools, lower housing
costs or other better choices.
- More Leisure Time Choices: Faster travel means you can travel further to that great
- More Convenient: Your car is usually just a few feet from your front door, so you
don’t have to walk ¼ mile to the transit stop.
- Less exposure to crime: You can choose your traveling companions - no drug dealers,
no crazy people and no criminals.
- Enabling the civil rights and women’s liberation movements
- Making outdoor sports and numerous other recreational and social opportunities available
to the average person;
- Providing rapid access to fire and other emergency services and swift escape from
natural disasters.
Because of these benefits, it is reasonable to call the mass-produced automobile
the greatest invention in the 230 years since the American republic was founded.
Those who seek to reduce the amount of driving people do by imposing disincentives
to the auto or allowing traffic congestion to increase risk killing, or at least
limiting, the automotive goose that laid the golden egg of American prosperity.
(Parts from: The Greatest Invention: How Automobiles Made America Great, Randal O’Toole)