No Light Rail in Vancouver!
Update: Police Beefing up Patrols
A few weeks ago, I mentioned a shooting that took place near Portland’s light-
Now we have a news item that the police are going “to beef up patrols near 162nd and E. Burnside” just three blocks from where the shooting occurred.
Also, last Monday a group of 10 to 20 people were spotted assaulting a man, leaving him with “multiple facial fractures and a ruptured eardrum.” Just four hours before that, a man was shot twice near 160th and Burnside.
“Gresham police believe the fact that there is a Max stop at 162nd and East Burnside where a lot of people get on and off of trains and congregate may be one reason for the violent crime in the area” says the news article. “They also think apartment complexes that ‘aren’t careful’ about who they rent to may be partially to blame.”
Light rail and high-
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Reprinted from The Antiplanner