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Light rail costs too much, does too little

People Don’t Plan

Jun 20


A news item refers to a recent research study that asks how far ahead people plan. The experiment asked people to make decisions at two points. Those who made what appeared to be the best decision at the first point found that they lost out at the second point. Only those who looked ahead to the second point would make the best decision at the first point.

The study found that 36 percent of people made the wrong decision at the first point. People wanted to make the right decision; at the second point, 97 percent made the right decision. But more than half failed to look ahead to see the effect of their first decision on the second point.

What are the implications of this study for us?


Or maybe it doesn’t mean anything at all. Since I am speaking in Vancouver today, I don’t have time to think about this further at the moment. But I invite your comments.


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