No Light Rail in Vancouver!
Siemens Bribery Scandal and Light Rail
The Wall Street Journal today has a lengthy article about the Siemens company bribing
government officials to get contracts. Among other things, Siemens builds light-
As far as I know, Siemens has never bribed an American public official to get a contract to for its rail cars — at least, not in the sense of paying people under the table. Instead, it routinely makes large contributions to political campaigns involving light rail.
Siemens contributed $10,000 to the 1996 campaign to build a $3 billion light-
Siemens does not stop at ballot measures. When pro-
It is these sorts of contributions, rather than any advantages inherent in rail itself, that leads many cities to go for rail transit. It is far more economical to improve bus service, but what giant companies would donate to a campaign to expand bus service?
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Reprinted from The Antiplanner