No Light Rail in Vancouver!
Higher Density Means Less Social Contact
One of the standard tenets of New Urbanism is that suburbanites have lost their sense
of community and social capital, and that higher-
Now, Rich Carson, who calls himself the Contrarian Planner, points out in a new article
that Putnam’s thesis is simply wrong. Instead, Carson observes, recent research from
UC Berkeley has found that people living in denser areas have fewer close friends
and fewer soclal interactions than people in low-
The Antiplanner has always considered Putnam’s book to be a premier example of junk science. He gathered together all kinds of statistics that he claimed showed that America’s social capital (which he never carefully defined) was declining. Since few if any of those data were gathered for that purpose, he basically cherry picked among many different opinion polls to find the data that suited him.
Only two of Putnam’s many data sets compared suburbs vs. cities and both showed that
the suburbs had higher levels of social interaction than the cities (which affirms
the Berkeley research). He somehow concluded that suburbs were responsible for 10
percent of the decline of social capital, and he endorsed New Urbanism to correct
this. What, did he think that by forcing everyone to live in density that high quality
of low-
Bowling Alone received many positive reviews. But Steven Durlauf, an economist from the University of Wisconsin, was not fooled. He wrote that, despite all the data, Putnam’s thesis was “conceptually vague,” that he failed to show causality, or to even describe what the consequences might be of whatever it was that he called lower social capital.
In any case, Carson makes an excellent point: If New Urbanists and other government
planners really want to increase our social capital and sense of community, they
should be planning more low-
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Reprinted from The Antiplanner