No Light Rail in Vancouver!
“Vibrant” Is a Word We Want to Use in this Vision
The real estate market is tanking, and government-
The new plan is going to make downtown a “vibrant” place by making it “the focus of the community.” Yeah, right. Downtowns haven’t been “the focus” of major cities since the 1960s. A focus, yes, but not the focus.
How will they do it? Why, with public/private partnerships, of course. In other words,
subsidies. In other words, tax-
Better times: The Rockwood Fred Meyer before it closed.
Gresham has such a great track record for these plans. Take a look at the list of
Gresham’s urban renewal plans for the Rockwood neighborhood, which go back to the
early 1990s. In case you haven’t heard of it, Rockwood is the neighborhood where
much of the light-
The neighborhood used to be “focused” on Fred Meyer’s, a major retail chain in Portland.
(Fred Meyer invented supercenters years before Sam Walton got into retail.) But that
particular Fred Meyer store closed after the light-
So much for the benefits of planning. Now planners are going to do for downtown that they did to Rockwood. That should turn out well. Just be glad you aren’t a Gresham taxpayer.
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Reprinted from The Antiplanner